Twitter is Changing the Conversation

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Our attention spans are getting shorter. We're multitasking more. And we're trying to keep up with a bazillion things at once.

Enter Twitter--Twitter is a bit-sized (think Mighty Mouse) version of Instant Messaging + Facebook. It lets you instantly see/give updates (messages, links, etc) friends in your network. You can post from AIM, the web, desktop (via widget), or cell phone.

People may update their Facebook status once a day or week or month, but with Twitter I can get instant updates delivered to my desktop, personal Twitter page, phone or IM program. Back in May of this year I wrote a very rambling post calling Twitter a new tool for stalkers. I tried it out for awhile but ultimately quit because none of my friends were using it.

And they still aren't. But tons of people are. David Armano at Logic + Emotion has a great post about Twitter exploding in popularity because it is a conversation ecosystem. I recommend reading his whole post, but see below for one of his diagrams that aims to explain Twitter's multiple touchpoints.

David Armano's Twitter Ecosystem Diagram

I still don't know what to think about Twitter, but it sure does seem like a growing connection platform. Stay tuned for a post that will attempt to explain how sports teams and sponsors can get involved with Twitter to connect with fans and customers and keep them updated on what's going on.