Here's what's buzzing about the world of social networking:
Social Networks = AOL's of Web 2.0 - Just as AOL has a bunch of shortcuts for connectictivity, networks like Facebook are providing shortcuts to everything, and trying to keep you from leaving. But how do you judge if this is a feasible for long-term sustainability?
Step One: Cut Off Nose. Step Two: Spite Facebook - Facebook should offer advertisers an option to exclude ads from specific pages of the site, categories of pages or both...or else brands may continue pulling ads from Facebook, for fear of being associated with the wrong page. Challenges eBay on Facebook -'s Garage Sale Application lets people buy/sell stuff on their profiles
Hackers: Social Networking Sites Flawed - There are security flaws in social networking sites that could allow for sensitive personal information to be exposed...
The Global Face of Social Networking - Recent figures released by comScore reveal huge rises in the number of visitors to the largest of the social networks. I know you know this, but the numbers are interesting.